Monday, April 6, 2009


Moved to an Excel file.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2009 04 01 Weds

(even though I only billed 30m, I was up waiting for mic to try stuff until 0100. Didn't feel comfortable billing for that delay; had to catch up on sleep)
1030 started
1130 had to leave for car appt
1345 returned
Tried to figure out why Mic cannot edit pages on SharePoint at LIM but can locally. Also, I can log in as him and edit just fine. Must be local to his two computers we've tried. Both run different versions of Vista.
1800 departed

net 5h45m

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

time worked for week ending 2009 03 31 (Tues)

net 12h

2009 03 31 Tues

Finally stopped to sign Ag contract and send. Also caught up on time tracking
1215 start
working on getting the Ag server out to the internet.
1315 Mic needed troubleshooting help with his computer. About 45m
Finally got the Ag server to accept inbound connections from LIM but only to Playbook site.
1800 finished
2300 for 30m working with Mic's connection issues.

net 6h15m

2009 03 30 Monday

Planning, meetings
30m lunch
Worked on Ag server to allow public inbound connections.
1530 I was longer effective after this point so stating end here.

net 5h15m

2009 03 28 Sat

15m Mic called
1h15m Troubleshooting Mic's connection to Ag SS08 server

net 1h30m

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

2009 03 27 Fri

1100 start
working with Andy
30m lunch
1830 finished

net 7

2009 03 26 Thurs

0915 start
  • Worked with Andy to get his SSIS Excel import working. We found that the Wizard worked, but that the directions told him to use a component that only works locally. Told him to change to OLE after I did my own testing/setup.
1345 headed home. BIG mistake. Everyone else was on the road and the roads were clear around evening rush. Should have either waited or taken e470. Took 1h30m to do the normal 20 mins.
1600 did some light desktop setup etc. 15m Too wiped out from the crawl home to be effective.
2000 resumed
  • Made huge progress on SSIS. learned a lot by having to figure out why the package was failing.
  • Did a little more exploration in SharePoint.
0200 finished

net 10h45m

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009 03 25 Weds

0915 start
Catching up on this. Tested trick of naming computer LIM to see if it would enable seamless windows credentials. Didn't work for SharePoint but did work on Andy's XP vm with SSMS. No big deal. I can still authenticate. Spent good part of the day in the office working with Mic to get his dev box to find servers on the LIM network.
1315 departed for repair tech at home
1615 resumed work. Resumed trying to get Mic's computer to connect to SharePoint at LIM. Found that the problem is applications are not able to get the IP addr from DNS but nslookup works fine
1700 stopped for dinner, etc
2000 resumed work
Mic found a link at Microsnot's website detailing the exact problem. It only happens with Vista Business. I applied the solution but it didn't work. This is Microsoft's fault, not LIM's. He needs to be able to use that computer to transfer his work over to the LIM servers.
We also reviewed access levels in SharePoint. He used his laptop to walk me through where he was having problems. I was able to do the same types of things with pages I created but couldn't on the page he created. Mic sent a note to the Bob Myers late Weds night but found out late Thurs afternoon that Bob is out of the office Th and F.
0100 finished.

net 9h45m

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2009 03 24 Tues

0930 start
SSIS, troubleshooting Mic's continuing DNS problems while using the VPN.
30m lunch
Spent forever doing troubleshooting over the phone with Mic's network problems. The VPN lost its mind. It had been working but stopped. Ended up calling ATT tech spt and they said not to use the default config (contrary to LIM setup instructions). Then, one box still had problems so he changed over to his laptop. Found that networking was correct but SSMS still could not connect. Only after hours of troubleshooting, Mic mentioned that he had a 64b OS on the laptop and was doing the config using the 64b tool, not the 32 but SSMS is 32 (NOT REPORTED) so it needs the config in the 32. Microsoft should be shot for creating this abomination.
1745 end

net 7h45m

Monday, March 23, 2009

2009 03 23 Monday

0915 start
mic access challenges, exploring database lack of security, resumed SSIS
30m lunch
finally got domain account on LIM
more SSIS learning. Set up a package on my own that proved to myself that I was learning whereby I reloaded a table on SS05 from SS08
1800 depart
15m at home

net 8h30m

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

2009 03 20 Fri

0900 start from home.
verified that we cannot connect to the edw server over VPN. Tried troubleshooting for a while then headed in
30m drive etc
Sent reply to Merle saying we are unable to connect via VPN to EDW and asked for the instance's port number. He replied with 1433 which is the single instance port and not logical
worked on learning more SSIS
attended Unahandled brainstorming meeting.
resumed SSIS
Mic asked me if I'd tried 1433 and I'd not. Tried from LAN and failed. Replied to Merle that it didn't work. Realized that with Merle had left so I tried port scanning and using sqlcmd. Showed me that port is 3600 and verified on LAN that it's correct. Disconnected and went to Centura's free WiFi and connected over VPN. Worked.
did a little more SSIS learning while walking Mic through setting up the alias and connecting. For some bizarre reason, his computer cannot use the server name. Had to use hard IP addr
1830 heading home

net 9

Thursday, March 19, 2009

2009 03 19 Thurs

0945 start
more network testing, briefly. SS05 is now accessible at port 80
Installed adventureworks on ss05 on ag but cannot find all the files
tried to get Mic connected to the EDW box
1800 departed

net 8h15m

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

2009 03 18 Weds

0930 start
Formed new plan of attack. No more SS08.
met with Mark, Merle, Mic, Andy about getting database we're calling playground. Still identifying what's needed.
did housekeeping on notes and placed on Agroup
Did some more port hunting to see if we can connect to SS05 since we won't be using 08.
1500 left for lunch and Followup Doctor appt

net 5h30m

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2009 03 17 Tues

Dentist at 8:40
1000 started
Not getting needed database at this point. Need to talk to Steve.
More SSIS exploration
1h15m lunch
resumed SSIS
1530 Worked through install of VPN software for Mic over phone. It killed networking on his main computer. went through fixing it and installing on laptop and config. I
1730 departed
2015 resumed
tested VPN functionality from home. Send explanation to Mic
2300 done

net 6h

Monday, March 16, 2009

2009 03 16 Monday

0930 start
downloaded 8i client from Merle's OH box. While that was running, worked in SSIS.
30m lunch.
met to discuss server resources. see notes

After meeting, did research on SS05 vs SS08. Submitted to Steve. Unable to recommend either version due to lack of knowledge but provided focused list of enhancements.

left at 1830 but resumed for 1h at 2200

net 9h

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

2009 03 13 Fri

0945 troubleshooting Mic's SS08 connection & resolving network challenges
installed ss08 on Andy's VM and configured
more client 8i attempts as SSIS needed it for native connect. had to resort to slower ODBC for now thought it seems too limited for use.
1200 learning SSIS
managed to get ODBC to work into Ork 7 and pull data from it into SS. need to learn how to make that into a feed.
2000 heading home.
2100 - 2145 installed adventureworks onto Ag server

net 11

2009 03 12 Thurs

0945 start
set up Andy with oracle 9 and 7 (multi home)
installed SS08 server on laptop due to no VPN
1330 departed to take Mom to Dr.

1645 returned
met with Steve and Andy
1800 departed

net 5h

2009 03 11 Weds

1000 Start.
Tried installing Oracle 8 client as apps demanded it. The actual install compressed file has been removed from the LIM server.
1515 left for Dr appt

net 5h15m

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2009 03 10 Tues

0800 1h Learning SSIS
1000 VPN
1200 unable to accomplish anything networked in from home.

net 3h

Monday, March 9, 2009

2009 03 09 Monday

weekend chat so didn't really start until
1000 start - network challenges, learning
2h lunch and personal system maint
1400 found open ports, moved SS08 to port 20. Prepped for Radmin move. Learning.
1800 finished.

net 6h

Friday, March 6, 2009

time worked for week ending 2009 03 08 (Sun)

M through F 43h25m

2009 03 06 Fri

0930 resumed working on Ork client. Resolved with client obtained from PubTracks vendor which is a v7 client. Turned out, they had the 8i client installed on one of the servers. I would have thought they knew it was there. How unfortunate.
40m lunch
7:20 end

net 9h30m

Thursday, March 5, 2009

2009 03 05 Thur

0830 start
spent all day working on setting Andy up; no breaks to speak of
1710 left
2345 resume did some email and did some work on the Ag server.
0045 ended

net 9h40m

2009 03 04 Weds

1000 late start ( home windows installers)
morning spent metaworking.
15m lunch (-) at some point
afternoon and evening spent hunting solution for middleware to Ork 7.
-1h (removal) for untracked distractions related to installers
1900 end
subtot 7h45m
2358 resumed working on testing client
0045 finished testing (in bed at 0300 from macbook config (vmware challenges)

net 8h30m

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2009 03 03 Tues

Started 0815. Investigated LIM configurations. Left for lunch 1145 then had to head home
13:30 resumed for a bit then had to work on my systems issues. 1415

1700 to 1730, worked on meeting dox

2145 to 2345 worked on connecting to Ag servers.

Net: 6h45m

2009 03 02 Monday

Everyone met. Plans made to create new system with direct feeds from each OpCo's core system.

Started 8am Finished 6:30. 30 min lunch.

net 9h