Catching up on this. Tested trick of naming computer LIM to see if it would enable seamless windows credentials. Didn't work for SharePoint but did work on Andy's XP vm with SSMS. No big deal. I can still authenticate. Spent good part of the day in the office working with Mic to get his dev box to find servers on the LIM network.
1315 departed for repair tech at home
1615 resumed work. Resumed trying to get Mic's computer to connect to SharePoint at LIM. Found that the problem is applications are not able to get the IP addr from DNS but nslookup works fine
1700 stopped for dinner, etc
2000 resumed work
Mic found a link at Microsnot's website detailing the exact problem. It only happens with Vista Business. I applied the solution but it didn't work. This is Microsoft's fault, not LIM's. He needs to be able to use that computer to transfer his work over to the LIM servers.
We also reviewed access levels in SharePoint. He used his laptop to walk me through where he was having problems. I was able to do the same types of things with pages I created but couldn't on the page he created. Mic sent a note to the Bob Myers late Weds night but found out late Thurs afternoon that Bob is out of the office Th and F.
0100 finished.
net 9h45m
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